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Doing Justice to the Classics

Banner image: President Nixon and Soviet Premier Leonid Brezhnev aboard the presidential yacht Sequoia

Nixon Claims Homosexuality Destroyed Greece, Rome … and America?

Richard Nixon, the 37th president of the United States (1969 – 74), is primarily remembered for the Watergate scandal. During the congressional investigation that led to Nixon’s resignation, more than 3,000 hours of recorded conversations between Nixon and his advisors came to light. Within the small percentage of these recordings that have been studied, the President […]

Ancient Roman Quotes on Notorious Nazi Website

The Daily Stormer has been described as “the leading hate site on the Internet” and “probably the world’s most notorious Nazi website.” Its founder, Andrew Anglin, has been described as “a prolific Internet troll and serial harasser” and has been documented previously by Pharos for an anti-Semitic complaint about “the utter decay” of “the traditions that […]
