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Doing Justice to the Classics

Lepage Center Roundtable: “White Supremacy and Classical Athens: A Turning Point?”

On October 6th, 2021 Pharos Director Curtis Dozier joined Rebecca Futo Kennedy and Jackie Murray at Villanova University’s Lepage Center for History in the Public Interest for a roundtable discussion on the topic of “White Supremacy and Classical Athens.” The event was part of the center’s “Turning Points in History” series for 2021-22.

The following online materials/resources were mentioned during the roundtable, listed in the order they were mentioned.

Interview with Jackie Murray on Itinera podcast.

Donna Zuckerberg, “How to be a good classicist under a bad emperor.” Eidolon.

New York Times Magazine profile of Dan-El Padilla Peralta: “He wants to save Classics from whiteness: can the field survive?” (by Rachel Poser).

Princeton Alumni Weekly profile (by Deborah Yaffe) of Dan-El Padilla Peralta, “The Color of Classics,” which Rebecca Kennedy argues in the roundtable presents the relevant issues more clearly than the New York Times Profile.

Martin Bernal’s Black Athena

Teaching resources on Pharos.

Rebecca Futo Kennedy, “We condone it by our silence.” Eidolon.

Resources for teaching Race and Ethnicity in the Greco-Roman World by Rebecca Futo Kennedy and Jackie Murray. Everyday Orientalism.

Further resources for teaching Race, Ethnicity, Marginality, and Immigration in antiquity from Rebecca Futo Kennedy.

Rebecca Futo Kennedy on Tenney Frank’s “Race Mixture in the Roman Empire” and its influence.

Denise McCoskey on the consequences of Classical Studies’ rejection of Bernal’s Black Athena.

Rebecca Futo Kennedy and Maximus Planudes, responding to bad-faith claims about “cancelling classics”, explain what reformers in Classics are actually seeking.

Rebecca Futo Kennedy and Jackie Murray on Black Classicism and the closure of Howard University’s Classics department. The Undefeated.

Land Acknowledgement: Pharos is researched, written, and published online at Vassar College, an institution situated in the homeland of the Munsee Lenape people, who lived here for thousands of years before the arrival of European colonists. Please read more.

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