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Doing Justice to the Classics

Banner image: "With these memes that are moving through WhatsApp, it does not surprise us that we have all the other parties, the weasels and separatists, so scared."

Cato the Elder Endorsing Misogyny in Online Forums

Cato the Elder was a Roman senator who is usually remembered as the preeminent advocate for traditional values in ancient Rome. He is best known for ending many of his speeches in the senate by saying “Furthermore, Carthage must be destroyed,” even if he had been speaking on a different topic, as a way of […]

Classical Shirts Mask Hate with Humor

“Culture Wars” is a store on the custom apparel website that advertises itself as “designs in support of European culture and civilization.” Like another online apparel store that Pharos has documented, “Culture Wars” offers many shirts with classical images and themes that promote both coded and explicit racism, homophobia, and misogyny. But whereas the […]
