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Doing Justice to the Classics

Banner image: This image, "Wanderer above the Sea of Fog" by Caspar David Friedrich (1818), is a favorite of white supremacists: it is also on the cover of Jared Taylor's Racial Consciousness in the 21st Century.

A New Roman Empire for White People

Richard Spencer is one of the most prominent white supremacists in the United States, whose various media platforms have published numerous articles that invoke Greco-Roman antiquity in support of racism and anti-Semitism. But Spencer himself has also made ancient Rome a model for his hateful vision: in a speech at the 2013 American Renaissance conference […]

Roman Persecution of Christians used to legitimize Homophobic Victim Mentality

The Alliance Defending Freedom is an American non-profit organization that, under the guise of promoting and protecting “religious freedom“, opposes gender equality, promotes homophobia and transphobia, and works to restrict or reduce the civil and legal rights of gay people. The SPLC has categorized them as a hate group for “supporting the recriminalization of homosexuality […]
